Summer Book Club

Photo - - dra schwartz
Photo - - dra schwartz

Seek and Ye Shall Find
There is good Christian fiction, you just have to look for it
by Carol J. Garvin

A Tasty Morsel
A book that provides real nourishment
by Kenneth Stright

Eternal Mystery
Friendship is the air we breathe
by Fairley Ritchie

A Shared Venture
Forgiveness requires developing a new relationship
by Rod Tomlinson

They Cause Us to Despair
The classics may no longer be relevant in our world
by Harris Athanasiadis

The Worst Stories Ever Told
Chick-lit is paternalistic, simplistic and insulting to thinking women
by Amy MacLachlan

A Primer on Grieving
You have to travel through this dark gift
by Gwyneth J. Whilsmith

Marketing Spirituality
Lighting small sparks in the dry tinder of congregations
by Joel Coppieters

Challenging Assumptions
The North-Atlantic captivity of the church is coming to an end
by Will Ingram