Knox-St. Andrews, Dutton, ON


These photos were taken at a recent (April 3, 2007) event at our church, a Fun & Fellowship evening sponsored by the Dutton, Ont., Knox-St. Andrews Evening Friendship Group (WMS). This is the second year we have sponsored this evening, and all the ladies present enjoyed it. Team games were a way for our group to explore some of the hardships faced on a daily basis by women and children in developing countries. In the grinding corn photo, Ruth McKillop and Margaret Ford found out how difficult it is to produce the daily corn meal, by grinding corn kernels between rocks, a job often assigned to the elderly women in a community. Joyce McFarlane discovered how frustrating it would be to try and launder clothing using dirty water, either contaminated at its source or used for other daily tasks before the laundry is done. While carrying a basket on your head is easy for a few seconds, Janet McKillop was amazed to hear of the distances some women must carry their laundry from their water sources, often kilometers away.

A free-will collection from the event will be donated to PWS&D for its work in Darfur, Sudan.

