Union, Albert Bridge/Mira Ferry, NS


Union Presbyterian Church – 150th Anniversary: Niki Taylor, a member of the Sunday school at Union, Albert Bridge/Mira Ferry, N. S., has fun digging in the dirt as she and her Sunday school classmates plant the Anniversary Garden to commemorate the church’s 150th year.


In November 2006, the Sunday School children of Union Presbyterian Church in Albert Bridge/Mira Ferry, NS, planted an “Anniversary Garden” to commemorate the 150th Anniversary of the church, which first opened its doors in this Cape Breton community in 1857. Great excitement surrounds this garden and the children this spring as the first flowers begin to poke their heads through the earth in this 150th Anniversary year!


When Union Presbyterian Church, in Albert Bridge/Mira Ferry, NS, first started planning activities to celebrate its 150th Anniversary, the Sunday School children had to get involved. Old wooden chairs from years gone by were given a new look with a fresh coat of paint and some creative artwork. Pictured above are several members of the Sunday School who personalized the chairs with their own names, providing a snapshot in time of the children who worshipped in this Cape Breton community in this 150th Anniversary year of Union Presbyterian Church.


On December 31, 2006, Union Presbyterian Church, in Albert Bridge/Mira Ferry, NS, rang in its 150th Anniversary year as in days gone by. At midnight, on New Year’s Eve, everyone in attendance at the New Year’s Eve service had the opportunity to ring the church bell, with the goal of ringing it 150 times! People of all ages lined up with smiles on their faces, awaiting their turn, and after about 10 minutes, that bell had rung over 700 times! Pictured above is John Horne, who rings the Union bell every Sunday, ringing the bell with his son Andrew Horne. Union Presbyterian Church first opened its doors in this Cape Breton community in 1857.