Wynford Goes Green


Don't look now, but did you notice? The paradigm … it shifted. Historians will likely look back on 2007 as the year that climate change and global warming became part of the global lexicon.
At the 133rd General Assembly held in Waterloo, Ont., earlier this year, a resolution was passed encouraging congregations to have an energy audit conducted on their buildings and to implement energy conservation measures that are financially feasible. Energy production, transmission and consumption are major causes of emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Reducing consumption of energy is a healthy first step toward becoming a more balanced member of the global biosphere. Not only is it financially feasible, but it has the added benefit of saving money!
In an effort to help congregations take first steps down this path, employees of the national office of The Presbyterian Church in Canada, located at 50 Wynford Drive, Toronto, decided to put their heads together. The Wynford Green Team was created with the approval of the Management Team with the goal to “learn as we go,” pool our knowledge and take steps to be less consumptive of not only energy, but water, paper and other components of any busy office.
One of the first steps is to identify what we are doing right and well. Then we want to learn how we can improve. Our progress will be communicated regularly on the PCC website and occasionally the Record may drop in to see how we are doing. We also know that there are congregations who have already taken positive measures and who could be a source of information and guidance for us and for other congregations. We encourage communication and cross fertilization of ideas.
The Green Team meets over litterless lunches. Enthusiastic employees have identified specific issues they will investigate, and then bring their understanding back to the team. There is a whole new language to learn. What exactly is a “carbon footprint” and how do we calculate it? What does it mean to be “carbon neutral”? What is “bullfrog power”?
We have much to learn and a long way to go, but we understand that if we as a society are to truly honour God's sacred creation and if we are to better exercise our mandate of justice for all, we must change our habits. The national staff want to be part of the solution and it might even be fun! Stay tuned for updates and share your congregation's experiences with greening by writing to the Presbyterian Record (letters@pccweb.ca/presbyterianrecord) or e-mailing Alex Macdonald, the Wynford Green Team coordinator (amacdonald@presbyterian.ca).