Searching for Great Websites

Congregations that think they have great websites are invited to submit their web addresses to a U.S.-based ministry that focuses on helping churches design their own eyecatching, comprehensive and effective websites.
“Our directory saves volunteer and staff webmasters many hours that would otherwise be spent scouring the Internet for ideas and inspiration,” said David Gillaspey, the directory's editor and founder, in a press release. “We do this by gathering in one place 500 examples of top-quality church and parish websites.”
Great Church Websites ( is conducting its annual search for great websites from around the world as a means of updating its inventory. Most are currently from the U.S, but the website does include a couple from Alberta.
“It is our goal to make the directory truly international as well as multicultural and multilingual,” said Gillaspey.
The directory, which was launched in 2004, includes reduced size screenshots of home pages for easy browsing by registered members. In addition, many—and eventually all—of the entries will include editors' comments about the site in general, and notes about well-executed features. Users can search the directory by keyword or phrase, church or parish location, or by phrases that describe the home page in some way. The site also lists design tips, includes a directory of web designers, and hosts a discussion forum so congregations can chat with others about their web design and maintenance issues.
Suggestions should be sent to and must include church name, location (city and region), and web address.