Yoga not Christ-like

ENI — Leaders of Britain's Hindu community are expressing disbelief and outrage at claims by two English church ministers that yoga should be banned from churches. Amarjeet-singh Bhamra, a Hindu spokesperson in Britain said, “It is very disappointing that such medieval-like irrational prejudice is still allowed to flourish in the Christian church in 21st century multicultural Britain.”
The controversy began when a yoga teacher was banned from holding classes in two church halls in Taunton, in southwest England. She had been using a Baptist church hall.
“We are a Christian organization,” Baptist Rev. Simon Farrar was quoted as saying by The Times, “and when we let rooms to people we want them to understand that they must be fully in turn with our Christian ethos.”
Anglican Rev. Tim Jones said, “Yoga has its roots in Hinduism. It may appear harmless or even beneficial, but it is encouraging people to think that there is a way to wholeness of body and mind through human techniques.”