Minorities Forum

Justice Ministries will host a Forum for Ethnic and Racial Minorities in the Presbyterian Church in Canada on April 4-6 at Crieff Hills Retreat Centre, Puslinch, Ont. The theme for the event is Change and Diversity in the Church, and will feature Rev. Paulette Brown, a doctoral candidate at Knox College and former minister at University Presbyterian, Toronto.
The forum is a response to a consultation between Justice Ministries and racial and ethnic minority individuals and congregations. The department was preparing a response to an overture from General Assembly that requested a policy on racial harassment for the church. During these consultations, it became clear that there was a desire for a forum where racial and ethnic minorities could gather and share experiences and ideas, and vision together about what it means to be a part of the PCC.
The deadline for registration is March 1. The cost is $150. Please contact Katherine Masterton in Justice Ministries at kmasterton@presbyterian.ca for more information. –AM