Rhetorical pinpricks

Re Secular Militants, November
Theists have a much better case than atheists for explaining such things as the origin of the universe, the fine-tuning of physical constants that make life possible, the origin of biological information in DNA, the objectivity of morality, the existence of human consciousness and rationality and the existence of non-utilitarian value (such as self-sacrifical love), just to name a few.And, as a Christian theist, allow me to also add the resurrection of Jesus.
John McTavish is correct in pointing out that the atheist's trump card, the problem of evil, itself presupposes the existence of God.If there is no absolute standard of goodness, i.e., God, then evil is simply a bunch of stuff “the atheist doesn't happen to like.”
These books fail to do the hard work of engaging the theistic arguments of contemporary theologians and philosophers such as N.T. Wright and Alvin Plantinga.If they did, they might be more circumspect and somewhat less vociferous in their opinions.In the meantime, I think Christians, at least, can endure the rhetorical pinpricks from this recent spate of skeptical attacks on our faith.