Love in action

The editor responds:
We are open to every voice, from every church. If you have a story to share, write to
The Record's October editorial was pushing dialogue with Muslims. The same day I got a report from The Mustard Seed, a faith mission in Taiwan. They have become self-supporting and are reaching out to others around them in Southeast Asia. Here there are Muslim and Hindu communities in rural areas with no school or medical centres. When asked by the leaders, “How could we help you?” The answer is always, “Please give us schools for our children”.
So they are building and staffing a building that is used seven days a week. During the day it is a school. In the afternoons and evenings it is a medical clinic. On week-ends, it is a youth centre and on Sundays it is used to worship. This seems to me a better plan than dialoguing with people who don't have any idea of God's love in giving His Son to save us from our sins. Here they see God's love in action through His people.
PS: The article on Afghanistan was good. I pulled it out and gave it to a friend whose son is over there trying to help the people as a Canadian soldier.

About Kathleen Lyons
Oakwood, Ont.