Response to November editorial

I am troubled by the editor's nearly-libelous comments about Carey Nieuwhof's leadership. Since when is seeking the Holy Spirit's guidance on what it means to be the church a grave sin? Since when is following God's vision a grave sin? Since when is leading people biblically, authentically and passionately a grave sin?
I consider it a grave loss to The Presbyterian Church in Canada to have lost Carey and the people who have formed Connexus Community Church, but it is no loss for them to have lost us. Perhaps it has not occurred to the editor that God can call a congregation and its leadership away from something institutional in order to fulfill God's vision for what the church can really be. Wouldn't it be amazing if all of us had the courage to follow where God leads?
Those who have spoken disparagingly of Carey's ministry seem to me to have not bothered interrupting their tongue-clucking to check their facts. I wouldn't pretend to suggest that the former leadership of Trinity Community Presbyterian Church did everything perfectly, but I do suggest that this experience has something to teach us as a people seeking to be responsive to the leading of the Spirit — if we will stop to listen.