Poetry Contest Winners


In 2007, St. Andrew's, Guelph, was looking for a way to continue its commitment to “Towards a World without AIDS” while at the same time answering the call of the denomination as it moved us into issues of water. Along came Pieter Wyminga at just the right time. Pieter spoke with passion about the tragedy of Darfur, Sudan, and the need for accessible drinking water for those living in refugee camps throughout the region. His initial enthusiasm for these global concerns came from the pages of this magazine. Pieter asked a very simple question, “Do you think this congregation would be interested in supporting well projects in Darfur and other parts of Africa?”
A Job “WELL” Done captured the hearts and minds of the people of St. Andrew's over the last year. We will continue the project until April, when we begin our 180th anniversary celebrations. By the end of 2007, we were on track to exceed $15,000 of givings to PWS&D. At the end of the project, we look forward to hearing of how our support to PWS&D has impacted and changed the lives of people in Sudan and other parts of the African continent.
We trust that the poetry contest — initiated in these pages last June and part of our pre-anniversary campaign — has encouraged other congregations to look for creative ways of making a difference in our world by partnering with the strong arm and good people of PWS&D. The winning poem reflected the work carried out by PWS&D very well and we would like to congratulate Elaine Forgo of Knox Presbyterian Church, Burlington, Ont. On behalf of PWS&D and St. Andrew's, Guelph, we sincerely thank you for your generous contribution and trust that the readers will be moved with your message as much as we were. A donation of $500 will be extended in Elaine's name to PWS&D. All in all, we feel it is a job “WELL” done.

Pieter Wyminga
Rev. John Borthwick
St. Andrew's, Guelph


By Elaine Forgo
Knox, Burlington, Ont.

I want to tell you about PWS&D,
So let's take a minute and have some tea
To let you know about the work they do.
They raise funds to help others. Yes, it's true,
And you'd be surprised what that money can do!

It provides for programs, medication
and books for education
Which make folk well and stirs their imagination.
It helps create jobs through mini loans,
And builds churches, schools and
sometimes homes.
It even teaches farmers about their animals, seed and loam.

It all comes down to just you and me
To share our gifts to help each other see
The need to help nations far and wide
Have clean water, good food, hope,
independence and pride.
The good that's done cannot be denied.

Young and old, big and small, well or ill –
each fit the bill.
So, by sharing with dedication, love
and a sense of thrill,
You can take an active role
In helping PWS&D remain committed
to their goal.
What a great opportunity to make things whole!

God Made The World For One and All
By Joan Melbye-Hansen
St. Giles', Peterborough, Ont.

God made the world for one and all
Gave more to some than others
A test, I'd say, for some of us
To take care of our brothers.

What we give comes back to us
In countless blessed ways
So give from the heart until it hurts
With humility and grace.

When we help others help themselves
It makes them independent
And paints a brighter picture
For the future of descendants.

Every time God gives to you
Think long of what I've said
Sharing comes from a loving heart
And one and all are fed.

Ode to PWSD
By Ron Harrod

When life is not what it should be
When people suffer or are not free
We know our merciful God will see
And send in the PWS&D

Those in Malawi who have poor soil
Can't reap rewards from their toil
So Christians help to show the way
And harvest is a wonderful day

A tsunami is a terrible event
Homes are gone and there is no tent
So PWS&D steps in
And house construction will begin

By now you see how our God loves
And uses those unselfish doves
At PWS&D to show
His love can make mountains grow