Where has Advent gone?

In my experience, at the best of times it seems very difficult to keep a sense of liturgy before Presbyterians and actually live and experience the riches of catholicity. However, this Advent it has been particularly difficult.
This Advent, the reflections on the bulletins by Rev. Dr. Emily Rogers have been nothing short of brilliant. However, the covers have undercut that brilliance highlighting “Xmas” kitsch rather than the deep mysteries of God which she so eloquently expounds. The covers have displayed (on various Advent Sundays) Christmas tree balls, Christmas tree lights, obviously plastic garland, and red sparkly holiday candles. The theological riches have been betrayed by the kitsch.
The bulletin covers sold by our church offices usually leave me cold—with a few notable exceptions. I often find myself asking, “What does this picture have to do with anything?” Most Sundays the graphic on the cover probably did very well at the camera club, but it seldom illuminates any spiritual truth. Last year, for example (and most years) the festival of Pentecost, the very birth day of the Church was replaced by a bulletin honouring “General Assembly Sunday” complete with a random photo of a nature scene or (one year) a tug-boat.
I wonder if this reflects a certain liturgical and theological apathy among us. We seem to so often give with one hand and take with the other. As a Presbyterian, I find myself having to get used to “diet-Christianity.” Things such as vesture, liturgy, the seasons of the liturgical year, the lectionary, and even the sacraments seem to be falling away. They just don’t seem to be “regular programming” for Presbyterians. Perhaps they never were?
This Advent, I missed out—again and wish my church could do better.