Glen Mohr

Today memories of my camping days at Gen Mohr in the mid 1950's floated back into my mind as clean and sweet as the days they were made. They came attached to the words of an old camping song. I realize that they were the sweetest times in an otherwise somewhat troubled childhood. My church, Zephyr and Udora Presbyterian, paid the fee for a child who was chosen to attend. For 3 years, I was that child.
I experienced so much fellowship, good clean fun, and friendship that it rises fresh in my mind although I have not seen any of those dear faces since the last year I attended.
I just wanted to tell someone what a difference a place like Glen Mohr made in the life of a child, and how long that impact can be felt.
I spent a lot of my adult life volunteering, when I was still able, and I sponsor a child in Ethiopia. I believe some of the kindnesses I was shown then got paid forward.
I understand that the camp site, itself, has moved but I am willing to bet that the experience is the same.
I would appreciate it if a copy of this letter could be sent to the present Director of Glen Mohr Camp with my kindest regards.
Peace to you all,