Learning more than ever before

Just read your article Jesus Good in the Record. I'm not an expert on the Meeting House or Bruxy Cavey but I have been attending for about 8 months with my 14-year-old son. This church is denominational. They belong to the Brethren in Christ – Mennonite in heritage I believe. They meet every Sunday to praise God and listen to a talk from Bruxy. They encourage the people attending to belong to a home church and actually say The Meeting House is a group of Home Churches getting together on Sunday. Bruxy's teaching focuses on living a Christ focused life. Study and searching is encouraged. Love, other centred living, radical generousity, looking at each person as an individual with a story, walking with God all the time…these are the themes that I hear each week. You can be anywhere on your journey and be welcome here but they do encourage you to become involved. He bravely talks about every topic. He is not afraid to talk about the dark side of the church or religion. One of my favourite moments was Bruxy passionately talking about why he felt baptism was so important and then at the end he paused and said or I could be wrong… Anyway I feel I am learning a great deal and am understanding the bible more than at any other point in my life. Well I guess you can draw your own conclusions. Thanks for your article.