Guildwood Deal Causes Concern

Guildwood Community Presbyterian Church, Toronto, has had protestors walking its front lawn thanks to a 20-year lease agreement with Bell Mobility that will see a 10-storey relay signal tower erected on the church's property. Residents are worried about electromagnetic signals emitted from the tower, which will be in the middle of a residential neighbourhood.
“I would have liked more community consultation with the church and with Bell,” said local city councilor Paul Ainslie. “But I can see that when churches are trying to look for funds, it's hard to say no when an offer like this is made. I can understand their position.”
A public meeting was held in December to discuss the issue, and another meeting, with representatives from Guildwood, the City of Toronto, Bell, Health Canada and Industry Canada, is being planned, though details were not yet finalized when the Record went to press.
Residents were informed of the plans last November, and protested in front of Guildwood just two weeks later. However, the community likely has little leverage in this case, as it is up to Industry Canada to decide on the tower's placement.
Jason Laszlo, associate director of media relations at Bell Canada, said the process complies with Industry Canada's 2008 guidelines for informing communities about new building sites. He also noted that as many as 80 per cent of Torontonians own a wireless phone, and that demands for better wireless service in the Guildwood area prompted the plans for the new tower.
Les Fincham, co-convener of Guildwood's finance and maintenance committee, helped draft an information document for the congregation. It notes that Bell must adhere to Health Canada and Industry Canada regulations regarding signal towers.
“The church and its congregation are part of the community too and we would not knowingly put either church staff or the members of our congregations in a dangerous or compromising position,” states the document.
All money received through the lease agreement will be dedicated to Guildwood's mission and outreach program.
“It's a very amicable community, and it's unfortunate that this issue is putting members at odds,” said Ainslie. AM