Don't pass judgement

Re Living with Gardasil, February
I am a Family Health Team Nurse and also trained in Parish Nursing. I am very passionate about health promotion and disease prevention. I am familiar with Gardasil, I discuss Gardasil with patients, and as a health care professional I do not pass judgment or opinion on patients one way or another. I recommend patients educate themselves and make their own decisions.
The article reads, “With measles, chicken pox, polio or the mumps, transmission is through everyday human intercourse.” I believe the writer meant everyday human interaction.
Gardasil is offered, not mandatory. Gardasil does not allow for unprotected sexual contact. In fact it gives health care providers opportunity to inform patients about the risks of sexual contact and allows for more conversation about intimacy consideration towards others.
I won't debate the relationship to scripture. I won't pretend to be theologically well versed. I am however thankful that humankind has evolved from some early scripture traditions.
I wouldn't want to lead anyone's daughter or son away from a rich vision of the good that is handed down to us in scripture and tradition. I believe it remains our role as parents to share what is good and right for our children, youth and adults with respect to sexual intimacy, Christians and all.