Melodic relations

Photo - Andrew Faiz
Photo - Andrew Faiz

Sybil Mosley, student at Presbyterian College, Montreal, and George Yen, elder at Vancouver Taiwanese, join in a traditional Scottish Gaelic melody.
“We, representatives of diverse racial and ethnic groups and members of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, met at Crieff Hills Retreat Centre from April 4-6, 2008, under the auspices of Justice Ministries. We met at a time when the demographic profile of Canada is rapidly changing and reflects our church in the same way it does the country. We ask prayerfully to have a legitimate, fully-resourced structure within the rubric of the Life and Mission Agency to address our concerns about racial and ethnic relations within our congregations, our sessions, our presbyteries and at the national level.”
A statement drafted by Anu Bose, Sybil Mosley, Yaw Nyampong, Saw Winning and Michael Yen reflecting the intent of the participants at the end of the conference.