Always Generous

photos by Andrew Faiz
photos by Andrew Faiz

When the Glenview, Toronto, congregation decided to support Evangel Hall's Campaign Dignity in the fall of 2004, there were a few individuals wondering whether the congregation had taken on more of a commitment than it could handle.

Led by Peter Broughton, Glenview's campaign committee chair, the optimists prevailed. The campaign officially wrapped up last fall with Glenview achieving its goal of raising $200,000, representing about half of the annual givings to the church, to help Evangel Hall and Toronto's homeless.

“The campaign received a tremendous response by the congregation,” said Broughton. “It was unprecedented from Glenview's point of view, and other congregations for that matter, to raise that amount for a single local community outreach project.”

In recognition of Glenview's commitment to its cause, Evangel Hall named a chapel on its premises in honour of Glenview on February 10.

For more than 90 years, Evangel Hall, an inner-city mission of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, has served the homeless, hungry and ill by meeting their material, emotional and spiritual needs. To meet the growing need of Toronto's homeless, a new facility was built to provide 84 new apartments for its residents and expand much needed programming.

Some funding for transitional housing provided by the federal government gave the opportunity for the directors to consider the new building. When the plans were finalized, a $6-million gap remained between the cost of the building and available financing from governments, the sale of the old premises, and a couple of large grants from a foundation and the East Toronto Presbytery.

Campaign Dignity was created to eliminate the $6-million debt incurred by the construction of the new building. The funds were needed to ensure that the expansion and enhancement of programs were the priority versus paying down interest and principal against the construction debt. Churches were asked to raise $2 million and, it was hoped, $4 million would come from corporate donations in an extensive fundraising effort.

Glenview members have always been generous in their donations of food, clothing and money which enable the dedicated staff at the Hall to care for some of the city's poorest people. At least once a year, the young people of the church serve Sunday dinners to clients at the Hall, and for many years, members of the congregation have served on the Board of Directors. The many volunteers who had served in many capacities at the old building on Queen Street West were well aware of its challenging inadequacies. It is not surprising then, that Glenview would be solidly behind the campaign to raise money for the new building.
For Broughton and his fellow committee members, John Crocker, Leslie McCallum, Keith McLean, and Barbara Millichamp, the most satisfying aspect of their efforts is knowing that their work and the generosity of the Glenview congregation is helping many desperate men, women and children find a safe refuge, build new lives, and focus on a positive future with hope and dignity.

Glenview knows it has much to be thankful for. While we are proud of our contribution to Evangel Hall, we acknowledge that it was possible only through God's grace. It is especially fitting that it is the chapel at the Hall that has been named to recognize the strong bonds between us. The picture of Glenview Church which now hangs in the EH Chapel and the picture of Evangel Hall which hangs at Glenview will be constant reminders of how much we have to learn from one another as our mutual love continues to flourish.


About Mike Wise & Peter Broughton