Audacious Hope

Photo - Peter Cade/Iconica
Photo - Peter Cade/Iconica

“There is an emerging and compelling desire to put the events of the past behind us so that we can work towards a stronger and healthier future. The truth telling and reconciliation process as part of an overall holistic and comprehensive response to the Indian Residential School legacy is a sincere indication and acknowledgement of the injustices and harms experienced by Aboriginal people and the need for continued healing. The truth of our common experiences will help set our spirits free and pave the way to reconciliation.”
– Preamble to the Mandate for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

Remembering Forward
Something important happened on the tour of Aboriginal and Church leaders.
by Lori Ransom

First, Confess
Then, Celebrate

The tour marks the path of hope from suffering into peace.
by Katie Munnik

A Heavy Page
We can hold hands and move forward together.
by Kathleen Bolton Konrad

The Gradual Civilization Act

Gifts from God
Survivors in Saskatoon share their stories.
by Kiply Lukan Yaworski

The Weight of Sin
The path to forgiveness is messy and difficult.
by Judith Farris

Walks of Reconciliation
Something new was born during the Leaders’ Tour.
by Rev. Dr. Hans Kouwenberg

A glimmer of another faith tradition may illuminate our own.
by Keith Randall

Truth and reconciliation commissions around the world

  • Argentina: on forced disappearances from 1976-1983
  • Canada: on residential school victims
  • Chile: on human rights abuses during Pinochet years
  • El Salvador: a UN commission on violence
  • Fiji: on the coup of 2000
  • Ghana: coming to terms with its post-colonial history
  • Guatemala: on its three-decades-long civil war
  • Liberia: on human rights violations over 20 years
  • Morocco: on Years of Lead
  • Panama: 28 years of military regimes
  • Peru: more than 69,000 dead over two years of internal conflict
  • Sierra Leone: on its 11-year civil war
  • South Africa: the template for all such commissions, on apartheid
  • South Korea: on years of “Japanese imperialism”
  • East Timor: on human rights violations on all sides from 1974 to 1999
  • United States: on Maoist, KKK and neo-Nazi clashes in 1979 in Greensboro

Source: Wikipedia