Qatar Opens First Church

Al – A Catholic Church has been erected and was consecrated on Easter weekend in Doha, Qatar. The Church of Our Lady of the Rosary will serve Doha's nearly 150,000 Catholics, comprised of expatriate workers mainly from South Asia and the Philippines.
“The church will send a positive message to the world,” said Abdullah bin Hamad al-Attiyah, Qatar's minister of energy and industry, during the unveiling of the $20-million complex.
But because some say the church goes against Qatar's Islamic values, religious leaders and government officials have been cautious about trumpeting the news too loudly. Security patrols are to monitor the complex for months to come.
In keeping with government requests, the building's exterior bears no crosses, steeple or church bells.
Religious leaders have promised not to proselytize, and because it is illegal in Qatar for Muslims to convert to other religions, the church must handle any natives interested in Christianity with extra care.
Construction of buildings for Anglican, Coptic, Greek Orthodox and an inter-denominational centre is also under way.