Return on his wager

While I don't always agree with the Record's editorials, editor David Harris deserves the return on his wager for God's Creation in April. He is right in saying we have been “sinfully selective” in “our own culpability” regarding abuse of the environment.
I believe we can no longer wash our hands by walking past on the other side of the street. We have a biblical warrant as outlined by Harris. Take Greenpeace. Last year it brought an Amsterdam-registered ship all the way up the St. Lawrence Seaway to enable a group of environmental commandoes to storm a collier bringing coal to the massive generating station at Nanticoke, Ont., resulting in the arrest of three young people from Toronto and Vancouver. They believed civil disobedience was worth the publicity.
Shouldn't we? Or are we content to leave a contaminated planet for our descendents? One reason Canadian environmentalist David Suzuki is so committed is he does not want to look his grandchildren in the eye and say he did nothing. Neither should we. Love of God does not allow us to be indifferent. The time has come to get our hands dirty.