Churches rally for China

A coalition of Chinese language churches in the Greater Toronto Area met in the immediate aftermath of the worst earthquake to hit China since 1976 and issued a cheque for $10,000 to a Christian relief fund.
On May 12 an earthquake measuring 8.0 on the Richter scale hit Sichuan province in southwestern China. Presbyterian Trinity Mandarin was amongst the Chinese congregations that met.
Trinity's minister Rev. Wes Chang says, "our church will collect money till the end of May and send it to PWS&D," he says.
While only one of their congregation members is from Sichuan, "The whole congregation feels the pain of the loss there. It is horrific to see what has happened in both China and Burma – tens of thousands of lives wiped out in such a short while. "
Just a day after assessing the quake-hit villages of Penghua and Woyun, where most homes are collapsed or severely damaged, Amity Foundation – which is supported by PWS&D – staff returned with desperately needed cooking oil and 1,700 quilts. To read about PWS&D's work please go to –EW