A part of our history

Re Response to Against Empty Prayers
I, like Jonathan Scott, am against empty prayers.
I have traveled to other countries and always respected their traditions in cultural matters and in their religion. It's sort of like, "when in Rome do as the Romans do!"
If I chose to live in one of these foreign countries, do you think they would change their traditions for me or for that matter a group of Christians? Perhaps that is what makes Canada such an attractive country for other cultures that choose to live here. Everyone is free to do as they please, even to changing the traditions that this country was founded on.
If all members of the parliamentary system in Ontario and Canada are to know what is going on in the chambers, they must speak and understand English. This being the case they all could in reverence and respect for the founding fathers of our country, bow their heads for the time it takes to recognize our country's tradition and the fabric it was built on, even if they are from another faith or culture. Pray for our province and our country that there be some to fill that emptiness in communing with God in the reciting of The Lord's Prayer.

About Anne Russell,
Brampton, Ont.