134th General Assembly : Power of the gospel


Rev. Dr. Hans Kouwenberg expressed concern the Presbyterian Church may have more of an institutional stance rather than that of a movement. "Although our new national resource centre, the Vine Network Helpline and The Vine Leadership Links sound promising, I continue to be concerned about adequate advocacy within the national offices for ongoing local congregational development, worship and evangelism, as well as for developing new national and regional strategies for new church development," Kouwenberg told commissioners in his closing speech as moderator of the 133rd General Assembly.
Kouwenberg went on to share his appreciation for local congregations' desire to be "healthy" and said he was encouraged throughout his travels across Canada by the "creative faithfulness" of ministers and lay people.
The minister of Calvin, Abbotsford, B.C., visited Kenya and Malawi during his moderatorial year, where he was struck by "the passionate spirituality of African Christians in the midst of poverty." In Korea, he saw "passionate spirituality in the midst of plenty;" and, in Scotland, he was duly impressed by the General Assembly's "depth and breadth of deliberations and decision making."
Kouwenberg also had a personal visit to the prime minister's office. The highlight of the year, however, was the Aboriginal and Church Leaders' Tour – an event he said was "the most painful yet moving experience in which I was privileged to represent our church."
Remember the children, Kouwenberg urged commissioners. "It behoves every one of us to learn more about what happened during those dark days when our Aboriginal neighbours' culture, language and spirit was taken away from them, and to pledge ourselves to walk in new ways of reconciliation with Aboriginal, Metis and Inuit people whenever we can."
Overall, Kouwenberg said, his experience as moderator has made him more of an informed and interested global citizen and Christian. "I'm more than ever convinced of the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and of the power of the gospel, and the difference that can be made by the compassion and care of God's people."