PC(USA) Assembly News

ENI – U.S. Jewish groups are praising actions taken at the general assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA) that include a call for denominational members to become, "non-partisan advocates for peace" in the Middle East, and that state that the church should not become identified with any one party in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. "We welcome the movement by Presbyterians toward balance," nine Jewish groups said in a statement after the late June assembly.
Relations between US Jewish groups and the PC(USA) have been strained since 2004. Then, the denomination approved a resolution calling for, "phased selective divestment in multinational corporations operating in Israel" because of Israeli policies in the Palestinian territories.
Following criticism about the divestment issue, the US church said in 2006 that it should only invest in corporations doing business in Israel or the Palestinian territories that were pursuing "peaceful" policies.
Other news from this year's assembly:
– Approval, by 380 votes to 325, of a proposed change in the denomination's constitution that would, in effect, permit the ordination of openly gay clergy.
Though the divisions within the PCUSA have not become as contentious as those of the US Episcopal (Anglican) Church, they have nonetheless been heated, and those opposed to the action said it would harm the church. "Don't send a shock wave through the church," said Rev. William Stepp, adding that the denomination, "needs a continuing strong witness to biblical standards for sexuality." Rev. Susan Fisher said U.S. Presbyterians had debated the ordination issue for three decades and it was time, "to give the church voice, and vote to change language."
– Rev. Bruce Reyes-Chow, 39, as the denomination's moderator, and Rev. Gradye Parsons as the general assembly's stated clerk. Parsons succeeds Rev. Clifton Kirkpatrick, who has served 12 years. Kirkpatrick will continue to continue to serve for two years as president of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches.