More rural issues

I was very encouraged by this article. The whole idea of groups that are marginalized, within and by the church is something we need to think about. It gives voice to a lot of thoughts that probably exist across the country. I also agree with David Webber that there needs to be more on rural issues in the Record as well as the lady from Saskatchewan regarding the West.

As far as the magazine goes, it is up to those of us that feel we are outside or have no voice are not covered by the Record to suggest or send articles about rural issues, the West, ethnic groups, youth or any other group that feels that feels marginalized. We cannot possibly be heard if we do not speak up.

I include myself in this, as I live, write, minister and farm in a rural area and have chosen the West as home. Write about issues you are passionate about. They will not all be published, but the editors will at least hear our voice and be made aware of our concerns and this can all be used in determining themes for future issues of the Record. Lets find our voice where ever we can!

About Rev. Barb Alston,
Hartney, Man.