The P in PCC

Will the PCC still be a national denomination in 20 years or will we be evangelical congregationalists?
More of our ordinands are getting their first theological education at evangelical colleges such as Tyndale or Regent, which are not Presbyterian. Are they then getting a Presbyterian ordination of convenience? Would their worship services be recognized as Presbyterian? Are they using the Presbyterian hymnal? Are they supporting Presbyterian camps? Are they active in their presbyteries or too busy in their congregation to participate? Are they supporting the national church programs or their own pet projects? Why do they need as congregations or individuals to subscribe to additional statements of faith like those of the Renewal Fellowship or Northpoint Church Ministries or the Willow Creek Association? The renewal fellowship seems to now effectively control the Presbyterian College. Are Knox and Presbyterian Hall at VST far behind? Is there a place in the PCC for those of us who are not biblical literalists and who believe that gays and lesbians have an equal place in the church and believe that our church should be reformed and reforming. Our historic traditional Presbyterian Church in Canada is becoming unrecognizeable. Is this what we want?

About Robert Ewing
Kanata, Ontario