Experience Mission in Malawi

Photo - Klaas Lingbeek / Van Kranen ©istockphoto
Photo - Klaas Lingbeek / Van Kranen ©istockphoto

Stewardship and Education for Mission has produced an opportunity to Experience Mission in Malawi via DVD. When this issue went to print, it was slated for release in early November and featured two 10-minute segments exploring the role of Presbyterian Sharing and Presbyterian World Service and Development in ongoing Malawian missions.
We Are In This Together looks at collaborative mission between the Presbyterian Church and the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian, and highlights the work of two Malawi synods – Blantyre and Livingstonia. It also features interviews with Glenn Inglis whose Letter from Malawi will be published in the Record for the next few months.
Our Response To AIDS is an update on the World Without AIDS Campaign. Although the campaign has officially ended, the video explores its ongoing work in the heart of the pandemic. Among other things, it features a training centre for the caregivers of AIDS orphans.
Bonus features include a number of Minutes for Missions and Presbyterian choirs performing traditional music.
The DVD can be ordered through the Book Room.