The P in PCC, part four

The question was raised, “Is there a place in the PCC for those who are not biblical literalists and who believe that gays and lesbians have an equal place in the church and believe that our church should be reformed and reforming?”
We wonder how we ever got to the point where such a question needs to be asked.   By nature we are a denomination of believers committed to being both reformed and always reforming, which is to say that openness to all that springs fresh from the Word is a part of who we are.
We want to assure Mr. Ewing and all who are ready to speak up that there is room for us all. May the conversation grow with courage and creativity!

About Allen Aicken, Karen Hincke, Annemarie Klassen, Harry Klassen, Brenda Patterson, Jim Patterson, Gordon Timbers, Jeff Veenstra