Atlantic Synod

You can't party enough when celebrating your centenary. The Order of Diaconal Ministries cracked open the cake at the Atlantic Synod in October. At the cake are Rev. Shirley F. Murdock and Rev. Cheryl MacFadyen. Looking on are Synod moderator Rev. Dr. John Crawford and Rev. Bonnie Wynn of New Brunswick. Look for more Diaconal centenary news next month.

You can’t party enough when celebrating your centenary. The Order of Diaconal Ministries cracked open the cake at the Atlantic Synod in October. At the cake are Rev. Shirley F. Murdock and Rev. Cheryl MacFadyen. Looking on are Synod moderator Rev. Dr. John Crawford and Rev. Bonnie Wynn of New Brunswick. Look for more Diaconal centenary news next month.