Knox, North Easthope, ON

The Harts made their farm available again for the annual summer extravaganza in honour of Knox, North Easthope, Ont. There was a barbeque, a petting zoo, music and lawn mower relay races. The latter was won by these fine Presbyterians: Ian Frede, Cameron Hart, David Hart and Josh Wellstood. And the fun had a real purpose: It was a fundraiser for Canadian Food Grains Bank. The $5,200 raised will be increased four-fold by the Canadian International Development Agency.

The Harts made their farm available again for the annual summer extravaganza in honour of Knox, North Easthope, Ont. There was a barbeque, a petting zoo, music and lawn mower relay races. The latter was won by these fine Presbyterians: Ian Frede, Cameron Hart, David Hart and Josh Wellstood. And the fun had a real purpose: It was a fundraiser for Canadian Food Grains Bank. The $5,200 raised will be increased four-fold by the Canadian International Development Agency.