Disappointed Online

Re: story on ‘awesome healing mission by the Blue Mountain Pastoral Charge, N.S.’ This submission appeared only in your online version and not in the printed magazine. Many parishioners within our church do not have a computer and therefore would not access the web site. I feel this story is very timely considering last month’s article on depression, stress and workload of clergy was indeed alarming. Traditional Chinese Medicine is a healthy alternative to the drugs required to treat depression,etc. However, by not publishing the story readers are left to wonder about the meaning of “awesome healing mission.” We are all very disappointed with this decision and would like some clarification.

Editor responds: It is indeed a great ministry by this congregation and can be found at: http://www.pccweb.ca/presbyterianrecord/2009/03/01/new-glasgow-ns/. Since People and Places submissions exceed the space available, they are placed in a lottery and some have to go to the website; including the story of great missions like this.