Canada Youth, Day 1

The excitement was palpable as young people from across the country piled out of buses and minivans. Piles of luggage grew. Brown t-shirts multiplied. Old friends greeted each other with hugs and new friends with shy smiles.

Canada Youth 2009 was beginning.

Some young people embarked on a scavenger hunt that eventually took them to a snow cone machine that dispensed their blue raspberry or cherry flavoured reward.

At “The Stump,” a stage area set up in the main quad, the event kicked off with “Holy Motion” or “energizers,” crazy dances intended to break the ice and build energy. This shady spot serves as a rallying point throughout the week.

In the evening, youth and adults descended into the basement of recreational centre for some unique CY worship. The black-draped stage was adorned with video screens and topped with roaming lights. A churning galaxy of starts served as backdrop for the simple phrase “In the beginning…” This would be the theme for tonight.

Rolling thunder and sublime scenes of creation were overlaid with a child’s voice telling the creation story. A grandmother took up the tale again later on, as part of a drama presentation. And Rev. Derek Macleod brought it all home in his message, drawing the story of creation into the lives of those who gathered here.

“When you look up at the sky tonight and see a star explode, remember that all that matter doesn’t just cease to exist,” he said. “All the blood and matter that makes you up used to be a star. Did you know that? Maybe that’s why our hearts bound when we look up at the sky.

“So CY 09, tonight look up at the stars. Look in the mirror. Look at someone new. And not this week, but in the weeks to come, look at someone you hate. And make a bold statement of faith: ‘It is good.'”