The Cool Day One of CY

The second day of CY has begun! I didn’t get a chance to write anything yesterday, so I’ll just reminisce about the first day now.

My brother and I arrived at around 4:00 and found our rooms, then journeyed down to “The Stump.” We were a bit late, actually, so we didn’t really know what was going on. It seemed to involve people singing Rockin’ Robin and dancing like birds, among other activities.

After that was dinner, where we met some previous acquaintances and enjoyed Brock University’s food services–which, as the napkin holders told us, even has its own fan page on Facebook. That is just so extreme, I’d probably become a fan even if the food was terrible.

More interesting excursions took place post-dinner. I had a fun experience of going to unlock my room, wondering why it wasn’t opening, then realizing with horror that I was actually trying to open a room with the last two digits of my own, but on a completely different floor. Luckily I stealthily slipped away before the owner came out to find the delinquent breaking in to his room. We also had a long search to get an internet password, which failed, at least until after worship.

Worship proved a bit difficult to find, but after half an hour’s searching we found it at last. Worship was very enlightening and made all of us thirsty for a nice coke. After worship, however, our internet saviour was found and hopefully later on today we’ll have that password and this will actually be read by the people intended. There were a few more adventures that night, but I think that’s enough for this morning. It’s 8:48 a.m. right now and time to head down to “The Stump.” ‘Til next time, toodle-oo. 🙂