Hopedale, Oakville, ON

The Mission and Outreach Team of Hopedale, Oakville, Ont., presented Rev. Sean J. Foster with a cheque for $10,000.00 raised by the congregation over the past 15 months to help the village of Mendha, India build a much needed addition to their church to accommodate their rapidly growing congregation. Foster had the good fortune to visit this congregation with a national church delegation in February 2008 and brought back this mission project which was embraced by our members. Many special fund-raising appeals were organized to raise the money and Rev. Foster will be working with the national church to ensure the safe arrival of the funds.

From Left: Pat Dyche, Carol Gibson, Rosetta Semple, Marion Acorn and Rose Goddard and Foster.

JAUG 09 - PnP - Hopedale Oakville