Sedgwick Memorial, Tatamagouche, NS

Easter Sunday, 2009: The youth and children of Sedgwick Memorial, Tatamagouche, N.S., acted out the Easter Story as read from Mark 16:1-8.


In the background is the cross with the crown of thorns and white cloth, to symbolize our risen Lord.

A soldier is on guard.

Several children are holding flowers, as they represent flowers in the garden.

Three women, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Salome come to the empty tomb with their spices to annoint Jesus.


Some young girls as angels at the empty tomb.

The angel who spoke to the three women is standing next to the open tomb in more sparkling white/silver glitter.

(The rolled-away stone is represented by a round table top.)
Note the spices laid in the front of the tomb by the women who hurried away to tell the Good News of the risen Lord.

The Scripture Reader, April Tucker, is in the background.

To the left of this photo, is a hand made banner by Joann Langille that is to be hung as an Easter Banner in the Sanctuary.


The little children are flowers in the garden where Jesus was laid in the tomb.

The three women, Mary Magdalene, Mary mother of James and Salome are standing next to the empty tomb, along with the angels.

Mark 16:1-8, gave the opportunity for all the children to have fun and take an active part in this Easter Story.

The tiny babies, children and youth totaled 17 along with the adults in Worship.