Not just about Free Speech

While I applaud the Presbyterian Record for its position on the freedom of speech, I am disturbed that in a Christian magazine, printing a pro-life advertisement has to become a free speech issue. Several of the letters to the editor in the June issue concerning this article from April, sadden me.

I am pro-choice in the sense that I believe that God gives us a choice between right and wrong. I’m not saying that things are not complicated, but having compassion for those who have been in this situation does not mean avoiding the issue, or saying that we believe the choice they made was a good one. I believe that God is merciful—when we have something we need to deal with He gives us symptoms. Sometimes the pain we feel is God moving us toward repentance, forgiveness, and healing. When we hinder this process in others we may actually be acting in an unloving manner.

The idea that as humans we have complete autonomy over our own bodies is not scriptural, but modern secular jargon. Gethsemane and Calvary should remind us that we are often called to sacrifice our own needs and wants for someone else. This is the essence of what Christ did for us.

In my opinion, those who defend a woman’s right to an abortion often use contradictory arguments. We are told that our “right to choose” trumps someone else’s right to live. Then in order to make this less disturbing we are told that unborn “someones” are not really “somebodies” yet. It becomes complicated mental gymnastics that rational people will not unquestionably accept forever.

I expect to find the culture of self in the secular world, but not running rampant in the Christian Church. Do not be deceived—abortion is a moral issue.

There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it is the way of death. Proverbs 16:25

About Janis MacKenzie, St. Andrews, NB