Spirit of Joy

I have already learned that many unique blessings accompany my new role as Moderator within the Presbyterian Church. One such blessing came this July as I attended Canada Youth 2009 at Brock University, St. Catharines, Ont. It was an exhilarating privilege.

There is worrisome talk these days about the irrelevance of the church and our pending demise. However, you would never think that after spending time at CY09. It renewed my faith in the future of our youth and youth ministry. More than that, it gave me renewed hope for the future of the Presbyterian Church. Let me explain.

At CY09 I saw passion—for God, for spiritual life, for meaningful worship with contemporary and traditional music, for missions and for fun. Yes, Presbyterians can have fun while they grow deeper in God and sink their roots into the love and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Rooted was the theme of Canada Youth.

At CY I discovered that support for the PCC’s youth ministry comes from the highest levels. Presbyterians Sharing is a major financial supporter. The general secretary of the Life and Mission Agency, as well as the principal clerk of the General Assembly participated in this five day conference. Some of the most passion-ate and gifted preachers from across the denomination (Derek Macleod and Sarah Travis) and worship leader (Glen Soderholm) led daily worship. CY is a time when the best of our church give their best, ensuring the youth of today will become the church of tomorrow.

I experienced the stirring joy of seeing 21st-century Presbyterians worshipping in new ways, yet with a deep respect for the ancient hymns of our Reformed heritage. I think of the contemporary medley by the CY choir of Amazing Grace, as well as the deeply moving rendering of St. Patrick’s Breastplate by Soderholm and the praise band. Again, the best of our church giving their best to the glory of God, for the strengthening of the youth for ministry now!

CY showed me that signs of new life, a new spirit of joyful worship, and passionate discipleship are present from shore to shore in the PCC. I met youth and youth ministry leaders, both clergy and lay, from every province across Canada. All share the same passion for Christ, for the future of the church, and for the lively role of today’s youth in today’s church. This passion is not restricted to CY. It comes from every corner of our denomination and will touch every congregation as the participants return to their homes.

I admit to having been concerned about the future of our church and the role of youth within it. But no more. God’s spirit is doing new things in Victoria, in Saskatoon, in St. Catharines and Sydney, N.S.

I want to be part of this new movement. I want, as never before, to be part of a church that cares enough about its youth to create something as amazing as Canada Youth. I want to be part of a church that cares for its youth with the love of Christ. A church that declares with confidence God Is Not Finished With Us Yet!

I hope and pray that you do, too!