Three Poems

Beyond Worship
Some hours, Lord,
I have inhaled Your fragrance
sipped You like refreshing liquid
gazed upon Your radiance
listened to Your numinous singing
felt Your gossamer touch.
But what if I understood
Your thunderbolt, butterfly thoughts
comprehended Your future designs?
Would I have You, Yaweh, become
a finite figurine easily grasped?
Would I have this?
Then whom would I worship?

We are odd
shaped pieces
round, rough
edged. We glide
or jut into each
other, trying
to wedge in.
rearranges us,
parts becoming whole.
We find our place
amidst friction
A jigsaw puzzle
we, the church.

Fragrance and Fog
how smell can dig into long ago places
we hardly know we carry inside
like cinnamon bread, potpourri, a leather shoe
how smoke from a bonfire can wreathe a person
move beyond the silhouette into darkness;
like fog, its opening a mystery
how smell and smoke can be held
in a censer, fragrant clouds wafting
throughout one place to a larger beyond
a witness to the ways of God; teach me
O Lord, to be Your thurifer