Good news

Thank God for Zander Dunn of Stella, Ont., and for his “good news.” Thank God Zander Dunn has grown beyond the outdated intent of the Westminster Confession of Faith written 363 years ago which, among other things, declares that some of us will eventually reside in hell.

Thank God Dunn has embraced the belief that God will never reject anyone, regardless of our human frailties.  I believe we are all sinners and God does not cherry-pick by striking down some and raising up others.  There is little doubt He doesn’t condone many of our thoughts and deeds but I am convinced He does forgive. Heaven would be an empty place if only the unblemished were allowed to enter.

I feel comfort when I embrace Dunn’s beliefs, and I pray that other ministers and parishioners of our wonderful church will open their arms and minds to everyone, rejecting no one and viewing the Westminster Confession of Faith as a dictatorial document that has served its time.