Christmas Cover Art Contest

Every autumn, the editorial team waits with anticipation – not unlike a child waiting for Christmas morning – to receive your works of art depicting the Christmas story, and then to see the magazine illustrated with these drawings. This year certainly didn’t disappoint. Many new artists sent in their work, as did several annual contributors. We also had more (seemingly) seasoned artists, many taking a more abstract approach to their task. As always, choosing a winner was difficult, and it was Alan Wybrow from Stratford, Ont., who made it onto our cover. Thank you to everyone for once again making the contest such a success!

“Let the Light Shine Down” painting by Alan Wybrow, Stratford, Ont.
“Let the Light Shine Down” painting by Alan Wybrow, Stratford, Ont.
John Sankar, Rexdale, Toronto
John Sankar, Rexdale, Toronto
Maryelle Clarke, Knox, Bassano, AB
Maryelle Clarke, Knox, Bassano, AB
Kamryn Knapton, Thunder Bay, ON
Kamryn Knapton, Thunder Bay, ON
Angela Padovano, Knox, Oakville, ON
Angela Padovano, Knox, Oakville, ON
Sarah Fraser, 9, Thunder Bay, ON
Sarah Fraser, 9, Thunder Bay, ON
Rachel Hamilton, St. Mark's, PEI
Rachel Hamilton, St. Mark's, PEI
Maggie, 7, Paisley, ON
Maggie, 7, Paisley, ON
Hanna Ross, 12, Ingleside, ON
Hanna Ross, 12, Ingleside, ON
Alison Purcell, St. Andrew's-Knox, Spencerville, ON
Alison Purcell, St. Andrew's-Knox, Spencerville, ON
Jenny Gross, 12, Trinity, Calgary
Jenny Gross, 12, Trinity, Calgary