Teach Your Children Well

Re Rooted and Grounded, September

If the Christian community (and society in general) wants well-functioning youth – and therefore, eventually healthy adults – we need to establish a progressive governmental act that would see high school education curriculums include mandatory courses on child psychology and rearing that would commence in, perhaps, grade 10.

Unfortunately, many people refuse to think before they act and are procreating without enough time available to spend with their young offspring, as well as without enough appropriate child-rearing knowledge. Thus, dysfunctional offspring – and perhaps future violent bullies, racists and even violent criminals – are being created.

Such education should be instituted, especially considering the fact that a child is vulnerable to dysfunctional thought processes in later years because of even a seemingly small flaw in rearing during his/her first six years of life.

About Frank G. Sterle, Jr., White Rock, BC