Church Offers Free Music Lessons

“We know there’s a cycle of poverty, and to break the cycle of poverty education is key,” said Rev. Thomas Kim, minister at University, Toronto.

Free music lessons for children and youth in Toronto’s Jane and Finch corridor are the newest addition to the church’s educational programs. In the fall term, 22 children took part in two violin classes; piano and trumpet classes were accepting applications. Instrument “rentals” are provided free of charge.

The classes are the newest facet of the church’s Reaching Up ministry, which began as an after school homework club for grades four to eight and a tutoring program for high school students. This fall, 22 students were registered in the homework section.

The Jane and Finch area is home to many single parent, low income, or recent immigrant families.

No major promotion was necessary, said Kim. Students found out about the program through word of mouth and local schools, with many teachers recommending it to their students. – C.P.