Let’s Mobilize

Re CIDA Abandons Kairos, January News

It saddens me that all the work that went into community and consensus building in many areas — Kelowna Accord, rights of the indigenous peoples, and now Kairos — can all be dismissed not by discussion, conversation and debate by citizens and our elected representatives but simply by a few people at the Prime Minister’s Office. It saddens me that our government is dividing our nation into “us” and “them.” What is very troubling to me is that so many citizens either do not realize how destructive this approach is, or they just don’t care. We are losing the value of respect, compassion and caring. Since not all Presbyterians subscribe to the Record, is there a chance that an article such as this could be sent to all congregations to include with the bulletin on Sunday? Too many people are unaware. Let’s mobilize people and get them to encourage their elected MPs, regardless of party affiliation, to speak out against the continual silencing of all those voices that have something to contribute and that need to be heard.