
Re Restore Kairos’ Funding, For the Record, January

I wish to express my appreciation to David Harris for his clearly articulated comments concerning the federal government’s decision to discontinue support to Kairos through CIDA after 35 years. The circumstances surrounding the cut (unannounced, unexplained, last minute, contrary to ongoing communications from CIDA staff) certainly suggest the action was for political reasons. The suggestion that Kairos and its denominational members are anti-Semitic is ridiculous and shameful. It is reminiscent of the suggestion that criticizing the actions of the federal government and its top policy and military leaders regarding the torture of prisoners by Afghani forces after capture by Canadian forces is “un-Canadian” and hurtful to Canadian soldiers who risk their lives every day. Again, this is ridiculous.

I would suggest punishing those who speak out is contrary to Canadian values. Eliminating debate and silencing the House of Commons for inappropriate reasons are also contrary to Canadian values. One wonders if Kairos is not being “punished” for conducting the May 2009 Leaders’ Tour (which included the Presbyterian Church in Canada’s then-Moderator Rev. Cheol Soon Park) to the Alberta tar sands. The clash between prophetic voices and political leaders is well documented in the Bible; the challenge to God’s people remains the same.