Transcending Man

With interest, I recently read the debate generated by Zander Dunn’s response to Calvin Brown’s article Popping the Question (May, 2009). Duncan Cameron (Letters, Nov. 2009) seems to be saying what a Catholic friend of mine professes: that one must accept doctrine absolutely and without question; that ordinances hammered out centuries ago (by men pursuing political as well as theological power) have to be believed wholesale for faith to be true. He criticizes Dunn for beginning two paragraphs with “I,” asserting that the church exists “not as a collection of people who say ‘I believe,’ but as a community of faith that says ‘we believe.'” Just this past Sunday I stood with 300 or so fellow Presbyterians who in unison recited the Apostles’ Creed, beginning: “I believe.”
Personally, I believe Christ’s saving grace transcends the clumsy attempts of men to define and package it, whatever creed they choose to follow.