Seeing Jesus Online

The Homeless Church
Though some churches claim to be “church without walls” this one literally is.

The Internet Monk
Christian blogger Michael Spencer of Internet Monk considers himself a “post-evangelical” Southern Baptist but his main goal is seeking out what “Jesus-Shaped Christianity” would look like. Let’s just say he thinks the church doesn’t do a very good job of representing Jesus.

The Passion
From comes the work of artist Joe Castillo. Usually hired to do performances at business conferences and mega-churches, Joe performs “art sermons” where he illustrates the Bible during his message.
Search YouTube for: Joe Castillo passion

This documentary, hosted by actor Ben Stein, is an investigation into Big Science and its rejection of intelligent design. The film is controversial and I agree with about 50 per cent of it. Still, more than anything else, the film is about academic freedom. You simply must watch his closing interview with Richard Dawkins.

The Gospel According to the Simpsons
“Well, I may not know much about God, but I have to say, we’ve built a pretty nice cage for him.”
— Homer Simpson after building a church as a missionary.