And He Suffered Like Us

The spring of 2007, when it became obvious that my husband’s cancer had reached the critical stage, we began our Lenten experience.

We prepared the physical part; a new, more comfortable chair, fellowship with loved ones and prayer …  constant prayer for His grace. The experience taught me to better understand that Christ suffered not just on the cross, but in those weeks leading up to the cross. Much as we knew where we were headed, so did he.

Now I know how Jesus felt when he knew his days were numbered. How his heart must have ached to leave behind those he loved … Mary, Martha, John and others. I watched the same grief play across my husband’s face as he looked at his daughters, grandchildren, sister and friends. But there was acceptance too.

Lent will always be bittersweet. Jesus is no longer here in the flesh but his spirit walks and talks with us and moves us emotionally … much like the memories of my husband.

The redeeming fact of this terrible loss of the physical Christ is Easter Day … the Resurrection and the realization that those we love and our very own selves will one day be together. As he promised the man on the cross beside him, and promises us: “Today,  you will be with me in paradise.” … What a promise!

This new understanding of Christ’s Lenten experience, is two-fold. I will better understand Christ’s humanity in his sadness in saying goodbye, but will also rejoice in the reassurance that in being God’s son, he has gone to prepare a place where we will all be together with him and our loved ones, in his new home in paradise.