Tears Are Not Enough

Back in 1985, when there was a terrible famine in Ethiopia, a group of famous Canadian musicians came together in a song that tells us that tears are not enough. And they’re right — tears are not enough.

As every day goes by

How can we close our eyes

Until we open up our hearts

How can we look away

‘Cause every single day

We’ve got to help at any cost

If we can pull together

We could change the world forever

Heaven knows that tears are not enough.
(As recorded by the Northern Lights)

In the face of what’s happened in Haiti our first reaction is to have tears of sorrow. But we know that tears are not enough, and so we do any and everything we can to help. Do you know some of the ways we’re already helping? We’ve already sent people and ships to help. We’ve sent a team to provide safe, clean water. We’ve sent doctors and rescue workers.

But you don’t have to be an adult to help. I heard about a group of school children, probably in grade 2 or 3, in Dartmouth, called the Eco Kids. They take all their recyclables and turn them in every week, and the money is used to help an orphanage in Haiti. Young and old people alike from Yarmouth go to Haiti to help in a program called Hands Across the Sea. If we can’t go ourselves to help, we can send money so that people who go to help have supplies and tools to work with. PWS&D makes it very easy to send money which will be matched by the government!

And there’s something we can all do — we can pray. So that’s what we’ll do now.

God, you love all people in every country of the world. We pray today for the people of Haiti. Comfort them, help them, let them know you are with them. Give strength and courage to the people who go to help them. Amen.

About Kenn and Jeanne Stright, Halifax