Served With Dedication, Compassion And Love

It was refreshing to read George McMillan’s article A Special Bible as he exposes not only his faith as a Christian but his dedication, and that of many women and men who were called to serve in the two residential schools maintained by the Presbyterian Church. As did George, many served with dedication, compassion and love for the children with whom they lived and worked. Yet they are maligned by critics who have had no association with or understanding of the work of dedicated people such as George.

I worked with George McMillan and I know him to be an excellent teacher, caring, compassionate and dedicated to the children he taught. These qualities were also displayed by many other staff members who worked with children in residential schools.

Yet critics have not talked with those former staff members who dedicated many years to the care and education of Native children. George is correct when he points out that all residential school workers have been lumped together into what sounds like a “cesspool of abuse and cruelty.” They have been given no voice.

Well said George. Thank you speaking out.

About N. L. Lewis, Richmond, B.C.